Course curriculum

    1. Join Our Community

    2. Introduction to Trauma-Informed Care

    3. Definition and Principles of Trauma-Informed Care

    4. The Different Faces of Trauma

    5. The Cryptic Language of Trauma

    6. Exploring How Trauma Shapes Self-Perception

    7. Trauma-Informed Care 101

    1. Strategies to Help Rebuild Client Self-Identity

    2. Strategies for Fostering Self-Efficacy

    3. Non-Retriggering Trauma Inquiry Techniques

    4. Techniques for Clients to Establish Healthy Relationships

    5. Alternative Techniques for Addressing Trauma

    6. Self-Care for Trauma-Informed Practitioners

    7. Trauma-Informed Care & You

    1. Breathwork for Managing Trauma

    2. The Role of Breathwork in Early Intervention and Prevention

    3. Beyond Words: Trauma's Hold on the Body

    4. Somatic Breathwork, The Ultimate Trauma Healer

    5. Integrating Somatic Breathwork into Daily Life

    6. CASE STUDY: Successful Trauma Processing Using Breathwork

    7. Guided Somatic Release Breathwork Session

    8. Somatic Breathwork & Trauma

    1. Forms & Script

    2. Become A Breathwork Coach

    3. Business Coaching

    4. Affiliate Program

    5. Certification

About this course

  • $95.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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